nlite: A Fun and Rigorous Approach to Investigating Controversial Topics
check_circle Identifies the top arguments for all sides through users' collaboration
check_circle Presents the results clearly and accessibly
check_circle Stays neutral—never takes sides


What makes nlite different?
Ranking Submitted Arguments

nlite does NOT use the commonly used up-vote and down-vote buttons to rank submitted arguments.


That is because this approach induces a bias towards early submissions; they often get more visibility and thus more votes.


Instead, nlite uses a pairwise comparisons based approach that ensures ALL submitted arguments are sufficiently screened. (Learn More)

Don't raise your voice. Improve your argument!
Desmond Tutu
Did you know:
  • nlite ranks arguments for each viewpoint independently of all other viewpoints.
  • This means arguments compete only with others supporting the same viewpoint.
  • Once the top arguments are identified, it will be up to users to decide which side they find more rational.
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trending_up trending_up
Did you know:
  • nlite ranks arguments for each viewpoint independently of all other viewpoints.
  • This means arguments compete only with others supporting the same viewpoint.
  • Once the top arguments are identified, it will be up to users to decide which side they find more rational.
  • Mathematical results show that applied algorithms are efficient at identifying the top arguments.
  • You just have to be a little patient and you will be surprised by the quality of the results that rise to the top!
  • Mathematical results show that applied algorithms are efficient at identifying the top arguments.
  • You just have to be a little patient and you will be surprised by the quality of the results that rise to the top!

Don't engage in emotional, unproductive debates. Consider nliting the topics instead!

Don't engage in emotional, unproductive debates. Consider nliting the topics instead!

People Are Talking!

On nlite, the power of a person's voice depends solely on the strength of their argument. Their societal, political, or financial background plays no significant role.

Here's an irony about nlite: Imagine you question its usefulness. Those who disagree with you may then ask you for your arguments, and they'll present theirs too for why they think it is helpful. Soon, things can get complicated, and to organize the discussion, you will likely find it most convenient to create a page on nlite.

So, your attempt to prove nlite is not useful may end up proving that it is indeed helpful!

I've become hooked on nlite since I discovered it. Now, whenever I come across a debatable topic, I quickly head to the platform to get key insights from all sides in no time. Even if I don't find everything I need, it definitely gives my research a solid kick-start.