Why nlite?

We all know how wasteful emotional debates can be. People spend a lot of time engaging in such activities, but rarely does any tangible outcome result from them. At the same time, we live in a world with numerous conflicts, sometimes resulting in the loss of countless lives. The question is, can we do anything to help improve this situation?

nlite [Enlight] aims to shed light on controversial topics by identifying the top arguments for all sides in a systematic way. The idea is that once the top arguments for all sides are identified, it becomes much easier to cut through the noise and decide which side overall makes more sense. Of note, the platform itself remains neutral.

An important byproduct of the platform is that it helps promote logical thinking in society. To come up with strong and convincing arguments, users need to organize their thoughts, formulate logical statements, and validate the sources of their information. We believe this process, in and of itself, is valuable.

The platform aims to challenge the current imbalance in the world where the powerful and wealthy often dominate discourse. This stems from the fact that all individuals, regardless of their political, societal, and financial backgrounds, have an equal chance to raise their voices on the platform. Importantly, the platform ranks arguments based on their strength, not on the identity of the individual who submitted them.

We understand users' privacy is key in the context of discussing controversial topics. Therefore, all submissions on the platform, including topics, viewpoints, arguments, and counters, can be made anonymously.

While the platform takes a rigorous approach to investigating controversial topics, it simultaneously presents users with a playful and pleasant experience.

Last but not least, the platform fosters emotional connections by providing spaces for users to share their personal experiences and thoughts. This occurs through the Life Stories and Comments sections available on each argument and counter page, respectively. We consider these sections crucial parts of the platform given the well-known influence of emotions on human decision-making.

In short, the platform aims to offer a principled yet pleasant and engaging approach to investigating controversial topics.