Investigating a controversial topic on the platform is governed by two deadlines: the Argument Submission Deadline and the Argument Evaluation Deadline. The Argument Submission Deadline is the cutoff point for users to submit their arguments. However, users can continue to evaluate existing arguments until the Argument Evaluation Deadline. Once the Argument Evaluation Deadline passes, the topic will be closed, and the final list of top selected arguments will be displayed.
The first deadline, the Argument Submission Deadline, helps ensure that all strong arguments are put forward for evaluation. The second deadline, the Argument Evaluation Deadline, occurs after some time has passed since the Argument Submission Deadline. The time gap between the two deadlines is crucial as it allows for evaluating all submitted arguments—which is one of the key features of the platform.
The same deadlines described here also apply to the submission and evaluation of counters.
Note. The individual who creates a topic will be able to change either deadline at any time based on the level of activity on the page.