John Smith
John Smith
October 7 would have never happened if it weren't for the deeply oppressive policies undertaken by the Israeli government over the past decades. This includes unlawful settlements in the West Bank despite the recommendations of the U.S. and regular provocations at Masjid Al-Aqsa, a site sacred to Muslims. These places are part of Palestine, and Gazans consider them their homeland, as reflected in the name of the operation, “Al-Aqsa Storm.”
Israelis often cite security concerns to justify their actions. However, seizing other people's land is blatantly illegal (also see this) and is not self-defense. It will make bad precedent if countries start to occupy other countries and start making settlements there in the name of self-defense.
Finally, such violations undermine even Israel’s security, as demonstrated on Oct 7.
The attack was carried out by residents of Gaza, while the settlements are located in the West Bank, a different geographical area. Relating these two events is misleading.
John Smith
John Smith
Thank you!
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John Smith
John Smith